When Is The Best Time For A Cake Smash Photoshoot?

When Is The Best Time For A Cake Smash Photoshoot?

Cake smash photoshoots are a delightful way to capture your little one’s first or second birthday. They’re fun, messy, and full of laughter. But when is the best time for a cake smash photoshoot? This article will guide you through the optimal timing for these joyous sessions. We’ll cover everything from the ideal age to…

Why Every Parent Should Book A Cake Smash Photoshoot

Why Every Parent Should Book A Cake Smash Photoshoot

“Every parent knows that birthdays are special. They’re milestones that deserve to be celebrated.” But how do you capture the joy, the mess, the sheer fun of a child’s birthday? Enter the cake smash photoshoot. This trend, which started in the US, has taken the world by storm. It’s a unique, playful way to document…